
Showing posts from June, 2019

Seminar 2

On the final day of CTESS, we reported to the Bank of America building to recap on what we had done in the program and present our topics from the Youth Think Tank. Other students offered their criticisms and feedback to our presentation and vice versa. The seminar also told us what to expect in our future and what steps we can take to ensure that it is successful. I had some prior knowledge of this topic because I had been to some workshops that taught me how to ensure that my future is successful.

Seminar 1

During this seminar, we learned about regulations before we start working for someone. There were some exercise like communicating correctly and knowing your surroundings. We had to know things like how long it takes to get from home to work and vice versa as well as what to do when delays or other similar things happen. Some alumni from the program answered any questions we had, so most of us had a good idea of what to do before our first day.

Final Portfolio Reflection

The Final Portfolio project is supposed to be the culmination of all our works over the 3 years we've been in Web into one website. This portfolio is supposed to contain all our works from Visual Design all the way to Web Client Programming. To make it more interesting, each of our portfolios had its own style which made it distinct from others. As a result, you can tell whose portfolio you are on based on what you immediately see in front of you. I started building my portfolio slowly during the school year. It went through a few iterations before it became the final product. As it is, I'm happy at how my portfolio came out, it resembles the vision I had for it and contains all my previous works I have done over the years.

Guest Speaker 2

During Computer Science Week, Joseph Maseda from Care Point Health came in and answered questions that we asked him. Maseda works with cybersecurity and told us about the concept and importance of cybersecurity. He was accompanied by a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation which better helped outline his field of work.

Guest Speaker 1

During Computer Science Week, Andrew Otto from Wikipedia came in and answered questions from us. One of the questions he answered was regarding Wikipedia's asking for money to keep the site functioning. This is because Wikipedia does not want its audience to be influenced by ads. Otto also spoke of new features that might come to Wikipedia in the near future.

SUNY College Fair

Earlier this year, I attended a SUNY College Fair. There were many students and schools at Javitz Center. At the time, I was still considering which college to go to so I was looking around for colleges that have my desired major. My top choice at the time was Stony Brook but I also talked to other colleges about programs they offer. I came out of the Fair with souvenirs and a better idea of what colleges I can go to in the future.

WBL Workshop 5

In this workshop, we conducted mock interviews. Guest teachers from the school came in and interviewed us and commented on our skills. I was interviewed by Ms. Koerner and I felt that I performed pretty well in the interview. Ms. Koerner's assessment of me was positive with a few areas of improvement.

WBL Workshop 4

In this workshop, we learned about our Career DNA. I don't really care about my career DNA but it does offer some insight into my interests. As expected, I got interests and career clusters centered around technology.

WBL Workshop 3

In this workshop, we learned about Child Labor Laws and Workplace Safety. We learned about the importance of our rights in the workplace and important measures to take when working during the day. For example, one of things to watch out for is getting into our employers personal vehicle.

WBL Workshop 2

In this workshop, we learned about writing resumes. A resume is usually a one page piece of paper that includes your qualifications for work. Due to the importance of your resume, it should be strictly formal; it must have consistent font sizes, proper grammar and spelling, and action language.

WBL Workshop 1

In our first workshop, we went over what would be going on with the rest of our workshops. We also went over our CTE requirements in order to graduate. Many of these requirements we have already satisfied over the years but there are still some left to fulfill.

Cornell Tech Trip

In December, we took a trip to the Cornell Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island to present our work on our Shark Tank projects. Each of the groups presented both their projects and told us the timeline of each project. We got to listen to the design process of each group and see what went wrong and what went right for them. Afterwards, we got to have some pizza and go back to school to dismiss ourselves.

CS Fair 2019

At CS Fair 2019, I was selected to take part in the Student Showcase where I showed my work and demonstrated my skills to people at the fair. In my case, I showed my Shark Tank Project to people and told them about the web design process and what things we considered throughout. I was able to meet a lot of people including industry professionals and students alike. I wasn't able to actually go around and take a look around the fair itself but I enjoyed meeting a lot of people that day.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

The video talks about the importance of critical thinking and problem solving. In the video, one of the employees uses critical thinking to find a solution to a problem. When using critical thinking to find solutions to may problems, that is called problem solving. In the future, we will be approached with many problems in which we will have to use the skills to solve said problems.


This course has been helpful in preparing me for the future. I was aware of these soft skills in the past but didn't actually take the time to learn about them. I was able to learn about professionalism, teamwork, communication, etc. more thoroughly and learn when to apply them. These skills will be useful in networking with people, acing an interview, and working with a team in the workplace. This course has prepared me for the future employment by teaching me the skills I need to succeed in a workplace environment. This collection of soft skills will no doubt allow me to take on any challenge that I may encounter in the future.


Working as a team is an invaluable way to learn from others and work towards a common goal. While working independently is desired by a lot of people, companies do not like this style of working. Working as a team allows you to build working relationships with your coworkers, learn from them, and build your own skills as well. In many cases, working as a team can make working more fun and efficient.


1) The interview was not very good. The interviewee didn't understand the questions very well. Because of this, the interviewee gave pointless answers that didn't help them convince the interviewer to hire them. 2) In this situation, the interview was better; t he person being interviewed was significantly more prepared. They were able to answer the interviewer's questions better and more thoroughly. The interviewee also made sure to ask the interviewer about anything they did not understand which aided them in giving a good answer.


Networking is undoubtedly a good way of meeting new people. By networking and maintaining a good relationship with people in your network, you will be able to use anyone as a reference when applying for a new position. Additionally, having a large network presents so many opportunities, with people being able to tell you about any news developments that might interest you.


Communication skills are a very important factor in today's world. Communication is the ability to communicate with others in an orderly fashion. By exercising communication, you can obtain valuable information and relay that information to others. By extension, you will also maintain a good rapport with your employer and your peers.


Professionalism is conducting yourself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. No matter what job you hold, your employer expects you to maintain a level of professionalism. Even if it isn't outlined clearly, everybody in the workplace expects you to be professional. Professionalism doesn't just mean coming in with proper attire, it also means to behave yourself properly and not act casually. By maintaining professionalism you set an example your colleagues will aspire to follow.