
Showing posts from January, 2019

Podcast Project

In this project, we were tasked wit compiling the information we gathered from listening to podcasts over the winter break into a website. I listened to Stuff You Missed in History Class and TED Radio Hour so I used those in the creation of my website. I included a summary of each podcast for each station and a link to each podcast so the user can visit the site directly and listen to it. We also had to make a game related to the podcasts we listened to; I made a trivia game that is based on information from the podcasts I used.

Lab 17 Reflection

For this lab, we had to create a rock, paper, scissors game in HTML. This time, the game was modified so that what normally wins is reversed. For this lab, I made heavy use of switch statements as I experimented with them before and I felt confident that they would be useful for this. In the end, the final product works as intended but I didn't how to include a delay so that the page would take a second to reveal the results of the match.

Lab 16 Reflection

In this lab, we had to create interactions which manipulated CSS variables on a predefined image. To create fully functional sliders, I collaborated with my classmates to help think about how the sliders would change the CSS itself. In the end, we created a slider which manipulated CSS on an object.

Lab 15 Reflection

For this lab, we had to make a responsive page that played sounds when certain keys were pressed and had a fully functional clock that told the time. Making the keyboard was easy, all I had to do was find audio files and assigned them a key which played them when pressed. The clock was more difficult since I had to figure how to implement and calibrate it. Eventually, I got the clock working along with a fully functional keyboard.

Lab 14 Reflection

This lab is the last lab where we deal with the starter webpage from the two previous labs. We were supposed to add a search bar into the webpage. I had a difficult time adding the bar since I didn't know how to make it look and function properly. Eventually, I looked at actual search bars to see how they work and adapted it to my webpage.

Lab 13 Reflection

This lab built upon Lab 12, this time, we had to add APIs into the mix. However, I couldn't add most of the APIs since most of them were blocked by the school. Therefore, I only had one API which was Twitter's tweet button. If I could add more, I would've added Facebook and Pinterest to my webpage.

Lab 12 Reflection

For this lab, we had to implement JSON into our HTML. We had a starter webpage already done for us, however we needed to add more to it. Specifically, we needed to add an "author" property which displays the author's name under the video title each time we select a video. All I had to do was add the author property and include a function which reads the property and displays it on a span tag.